
Nashville Voice Endorses Mayor David Briley

By The Nashville Voice Editorial Board

It is of our opinion that there is only one candidate running for mayor who has a proven track record serving Nashville’s Urban Community.

That candidate is Mayor David Briley.

Nashville Voice strongly endorses the re-election of David Briley for his strong leadership regarding policies and legislation that will make a difference in the lives of all Nashvillians.

The following areas of importance helped us form this opinion:

1. He has the most diverse executive leadership team of any mayor in the history of Nashville.

Mayor Briley’s Chief of Staff, Finance Director, Chief Procurement Officer, and Senior Advisor are women. It is to be noted that three of those four are women of color. With his other administrative appointments there is a level of diversity never seen before in the Mayor’s office

2. This mayor has passed the more comprehensive inclusive procurement policy for women and minority owned businesses.

In the past women and minority owned businesses have traditional been locked out from Metro Contracts. Mayor Briley’s Equal Business Opportunity Program will level the playing field for all businesses.

3. Mayor Briley fully funded Nashville General Hospital (NGH) which is Nashville’s Public Safety Net Hospital.

NGH provides healthcare to thousands of people who are uninsured or underinsured. Last year alone NGH provided more than $60 million dollars in charitable care for Nashville’s most vulnerable population.

These are not just empty words or promises, but real action that help to progress issues not only important to minorities but the entire Nashville community.

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