
NPHC of Nashville Hosts Mid-Year School Supply Drive

By Jessica G. Rich, President of NPHC of Nashville

The National PanHellenic Council (NPHC) of Nashville held a Mid-year school supply drive on March 6, 2019.  NPHC of Nashville, which consists of 19 chapters, serves as the governing body to the nine nationally recognized historically black Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities in the Nashville area. These chapters provide service to the community by raising funds for scholarships, establishing and maintaining youth programs, promoting physical and mental health awareness, and engaging the public in social and political action causes.

The NPHC of Nashville meets monthly to foster cooperative actions of its members in dealing with matters of mutual concern.

In May of 2018, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that teachers spend close to $500 of their own money, annually, on school supplies for their students.  Recognizing this “call to action”, NPHC of Nashville worked with the director of Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS), Dr. Shawn Joseph (member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity), to identify a school in the Nashville community – Warner Arts Magnet Elementary School in East Nashville.

“Warner is doing amazing Arts work as a result of being a newly designated STEAM school.  The school has strong leadership and many students would benefit from supplies”, said Dr. Joseph.  Warner’s principal, Dr. Ricki Gibbs (member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity), added, “Over 90% of our scholars live at or below the poverty level.  With this in mind, some families struggle to meet some of our scholars’ basic needs to be ready for school.”

This act of service created an ongoing partnership between the NPHC of Nashville and Warner as well as the MNPS.  “As we continue in our work at Warner Arts Magnet, we would love to partner with NPHC for our career day on April 4th as well as field day on May 17th.  Both events will present an opportunity for the positive role models associated with NPHC to interact with our scholars and inspire them to continue to dream the big of anything is possible with a great education!”

For more information on upcoming events, please join the NPHC of Nashville Facebook Fan Page or subscribe to the NPHC Newsletter.

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