HAWTHORNE, NJ – Early Childhood Educator and Behavioral Assistant Daniel Olcsvary is proud to announce the release of his first children’s book, “Max the Magnet’s Magnificent Journey: A Shift From Negative to Positive”. Released to the public in Spring 2021, this book is a heart-warming and inspirational book that teaches young people about the importance of mindfulness, meditation, and the power of positive thinking.

The idea for the book originated through Olcsvary’s work as a behavioral assistant. “Doing these in-home sessions, I have encountered so many young people that focus on all the negative experiences and emotions that they feel,” he explained. “I would always use the analogy of a magnet, telling them that whatever they focus on that is the energy they will attract. Focus on negativity and you are going to attract nothing but negative energy in your life. If you change up your thought process and focus on positivity, then you will attract that type of energy in your life. And from that idea Max the Magnet was born.”
Olcsvary had the idea for this story for some time and worked with fellow educator and talented illustrator Connie Cabrina on bringing Max the Magnet to life. When the world abruptly shut down due to COVID-19, he took advantage of the quarantine and completed all the steps necessary to publish and bring this book to the masses.
“I feel like this was the perfect time for Max the Magnet to be introduced to the world. With a global pandemic, virtual schooling, and all the negative things happening in the world, it was a challenging time to be a young person,” Olcsvary said. “This book can help children make that necessary paradigm shift and rather than focus on what’s wrong in the world, they can focus on what’s right. Making the little changes as Max made in the book can make such a difference in a child’s life.”
One aspect of the book that has connected with young readers is the ‘Activity Section’ at the end of the story. Rather than just read about Max’s journey from negative to positive, families and educators can help their children put the strategies that Max learned into practice. Olcsvary said, “I wanted the kids that read Max’s story to be able to put the strategies he learned into action. Most children learn by doing, and by using these mindfulness practices daily they will start to see a change for the better.”
Olcsvary’s book is self-published by his new company Mind Write Publishing and is now available on Amazon and at www.mindwritepublishing.com.